Nectar Shortcodes

‘With a long-term maintenance plan or maintenance scan you know what is up’

What should you take into consideration with home maintenance?

To keep your house in top condition, your home needs maintenance from time to time. This means that you have to incur costs. This maintenance varies from small to large. Think of maintaining your floors, painting woodwork, maintaining the façade and window frames to renovating the roof. Expenses for major maintenance often mean an attack on your wallet. With smart and planned maintenance you limit these costs considerably.

What does building advice provide for maintenance?

No financial pitfalls

No unexpected additional work

No delay in execution

No stress and discussion with your contractor

No disappointment about the end result

how can we help you?

We map out what kind of maintenance and associated costs you will expect in the coming years. With a ‘aankoopkeuring’ (purchase inspection) you know which maintenance is required for your new home. But also with a ‘meerjarenondehoudsplan’ (multi-year maintenance plan). The latter gives you insight into the maintenance costs of your home for the next 15 to 20 years. This way you can make reservations in time. Prefer a cheaper version of this? Then choose the ‘Onderhoud scan’ (maintenance scan). On the basis of a checklist, we rate the state per component and give it a mark. This quick scan can also be applied to assess the level of safety and health of your home. Where possible, we bundle the costs of the necessary maintenance. If your house is ready for a paint job, we plan the maintanace for the roof or façade at the same time. This way you only have to pay the costs for a scaffolding once.

A SMALL selection of our tools

aankoopkeuringAankoopkeuring (purchase inspection)
The report gives a clear picture of the state of the house. We also visualise the costs of repair and overdue maintenance so that you can stand your ground during negotiation.

mjopMeerjarenonderhoudsplan (multi-year maintenance plan)
The multi-year maintenance plan is seen as the tool for managing maintenance costs, because the planning provides insight into the costs in the short and long term.



Curious about the possibilities we can offer to our company?

Send us a WhatsApp: 06-549 56 513